Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Garden Galore!

How does you garden grow? Out of control!
We're growing Purple Green Beans that turn green again when you cook them, purple carrots, blue potatoes, red raspberries, and gigantic pumpkins.

Ryan at MSU

Ryan custom designed his loft to fit over his new couch. The couch was given to him by some wonderful family friends. Lance and Ryan built the loft together in the garage. Trust me - it is VERY sturdy!

Ryan gets ready to drive off to college!

Lance and Ryan filled the Astro Van as well as Ryan's small Saturn. They even managed to get a full sized couch in the van! (Barb was squished in the front seat!)

Big Sky!

Shannon and Ryan enjoy the day!

This hiking trail was beautiful. It followed
a creek and ended at a waterfall.

This is the view from on top of the mountain. I could say we hiked up here, but we actually took the chair lift! The hazy air is smoke from all the Montana wild fires. There was a large one south of here.

Ryan, Shannon, Barb, and Lance enjoy a weekend together.

Ousel Falls in Big Sky!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thomas Edison's, FL

Thomas Edison grew a variety of plants at his estate for his many experiments.
This is the back view of Thomas Edison's summer home in Florida.
It's right next to the home of his good friend, Henry Ford.

This is Thomas Edison's Laboratory.

Here is a statue of Thomas Edison next to the largest Banyon Tree
in the United States.

Ft. Myers , FL

What a wonderful vacation! (after I attended my conference, of couse!)

Barb at Navajo Res.

This is the "window" from Window Rock, Arizona, the capital of Navjaho Nation. The Code Talkers WWII monument is here to the left.
This was taken on a canyon overlook north of Window Rock, AZ on the Navajo Indian Reservation.

Shannon's 22 Bday!

Shannon Celebrates her Bday with friends!